Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Update

Yep been really lazy with my blogging but I never really feel anything I say is very interesting. Splice I'm doing my PT course through AIPT and I'm finding it realy hard to find the time to do it. Having not used my brain for a long time is making it a little hard to, but I will continue and I will get it done.
No Shar I'm not competing this year I dont know if I will ever compete again. While I enjoyed my journey last year I dont know if i want to do it again. I will always live an active lifestyle as I always have but as for competeing again probably not, but hey never say never right.
I will be in Perth in September for the Wff/Nabba and also the Inba october comp. I'm helping the crew from Rocky's if you remember last year when Lou was helping me out well she and about 4 or 5 other girls are competing so I will be helping backstage. Really looking forward to being on the other side so to speak.
As for my training I'm still lifting weights and cardio when I can although it is nothing really consistent my injury from last year is giving me grief. I think I need to have my stomach muscle sowed back together as I always look like I'm 3 months pregnant on a good day and this is really getting me down. That is a whole other story anyways there's a bit of an update. Thanks for stopping by.
Kie xx

Thursday, July 31, 2008

For Lia

I have to say my sincerest condolances go to Lia and her family at this tragic time. It is awful the curve balls life throws at us in our life. My thoughts are with you everyday Lia, this saying was given to me when I lost my son. I was given many I found some comfort in this one.
Life is eternal,
Love is immortal,
Death an horizon,
Horizons are only the limit of our sight.
Kie xx

Thursday, July 24, 2008

All Good

Training is going great. My legs and glutes are still sore from that dvd LOL. I'm starting to go up in weight with my training so thats a positive. I'm finding I still cant go heavy with my legs as it hurts my hip hence the dvd I bought.
I have been doing cardio everyday I'm very proud of myself as this is an area I've been lazy in. The weather isnt permitting me to get outside with bub so it's either early morning runs or jumping on the treadmill at night once T is home. If I'm lucky bub will have an arvo kip and I get it done then.
I'm not following any specific food plan just trying to eat clean and stay away from cheese I LOVE CHEESE. So I'm doing ok and it feels great (o:
Kie xx

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Butts and Gutts

OMG I bought the butts and gutts dvd from Liz nelson's site. Its a Cathe Freidrich dvd, that woman is insane. I was literally crying trying to finish it. I didnt. I had to keep stopping as my legs wouldnt work, it was like my mind is watching the dvd and she is doing squats and I'm thinking I'm squatting feels like I am and in walks T and says "get down lower" so I look at my legs and realise they're not moving LOL. I still cant sit properly.
School is back today WOOHOO. My girls are alot better thank god I hate it when they're sick. I must say all the girls that competed at the all females were outstanding congratualtions to you all. I loved Shars bikini it was gorgeous.
Anyway gotta get the kids ready.
Kie xx

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Any help would be great

As I said before I'm doing my cert 3 in fitness and I need a little help with these two questions if any one could help I would appreciate it.
The acute and chronic effects exercise has on respiratory volumes Tidal volume, Total lung capacity, Expiratory Reserve Volume, Residual Volume and Vital capacity
Analyse the differences in muscle force output between these exercises. State what differences have occurred Front squat, Leg extension and lunges

Thanks for your time.
Kie xx

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Leg Day

Still trucking along. legs today I do them on Sunday as T is home but alas he is called into work. Now a couple of weeks ago I would have said oh well wasnt meant to be and thought this a good oppurtunity to have a couple of wines. BUT not today I finished off my assignment (o: and then completely rocked my leg workout. I'm so proud of myself fighting off those mental demons.

Waiting ever so patiently for photos from all the comp girls *tapping fingers* LOL I hope they all had blast and enjoyed every moment.

Kie xx

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Luck really has nothing to do with it (o: for all the girls competing this weekend ROCK THE STAGE and have an awesome time thats what it all about and believe me it is all over to soon.
Pictures asap please (o;
Kie xx

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Peace (o:

My other girl is comming home today. She has been in Perth with Nanna for 3 days to see Snuggle Pot and Cuddle Pie. It has been very peaceful as she can talk under water so to speak but I do miss her and so has Boo. Speaking of which Boo is finally on the mend still having sleepless nights due to some bad habits created whilst sick. LOL I cant win.

Still being consistent with my training so I'm in a happy place. Even managed some cardio this morning, mind you my legs are still sore from Sunday. My son who is 11 going on 50 said to me this morning "seen as you had such a terrible night with Boo Mum do you want me to take her for a walk in her pram, you know just to give you a breather". What an absolute little darling, so I'm sitting here typing away in complete silence OMG its a bit scary really LOL.

I also just want to say a special thanks to Lia with everything going on in her life right now to drop by my blog and leave a comment means a lot. Prayers and thoughts are with you always.
Kie xx

Monday, July 7, 2008

Still going Strong

This glandular fever is nasty to say the least. My poor little one has copped it pretty bad, the usual things you get with glandular fever but now as her immune system is so low her fingers and toes are all infected she has all these ulcers in her mouth and on her lips. Oh its just awful everything she puts in her mouth stings ARGH when will it end.

On the training front its going great have done all my weights no cardio though just to tired with sleepless nights. I know when I was comp prepping I would have done my cardio so I'm feeling a little guilty. I dont know its weird. I did legs yesterday and Im feeling them today I have to say I love doms its a good sign that you gave it your all.

Having said I didnt do any cardio T was home yesterday so I cleaned the whole house, mowed the lawn and cleaned the car inside and out. So maybe that counts for some cardio (o:
Kie xx

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Glandualr Fever

Oh Boy if it doesnt rain it pours right! My 6 year old came down with glandular fever last week and she has been pretty sick but is coping quite well. Last night my nearly 3 year started with high temps and I thought Zoe was ok so Boo will be fine. NOT. Unlike Zoe, Boo has been vomiting her throat is so swollen that she is having trouble swallowing, she is litterally drooling cause she cant swallow. Of course any pain medicine I give her she throws it up within a minute. Its just breaking my heart.
On another note I had a great back session yesterday, on no sleep DOMS is talking this morning. Thanks Tara (o: I will take you up on that offer if need be.
Kie xx

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I will do this I WILL

I trained back this morning and had a ripper session (o: Now that bub is that much older I dont get interupted as much which is great. Also T has made my program a 5 day split so my workouts are really short.
Went for a probably 6km walk pushing bub in the pram yesterday and OMG my legs and bum are killing me this morning LOL goes to show how much my fitness has declined (but hey she is bigger hence heavier, more hard work (o;)
I'm still stuggling a little bit the voices in my head so to speak, I will do this I will. I'm seeing a chiropractor on Friday as my hip and back still aren't right from comp. I've never been to one before so I'm a little nervous.
Kie xx

Monday, June 30, 2008

Where Have I Been

Lurking around! I dont really even know where to start, the beginning would be a good place but truthfully I cant be bothered. That was then this now. Obviuosly I had lost my way due to certain things but I'm clawing my way back.
I have started a course doing my cert 3 in fitness which I have to say is hard. Some of you out there probably breazed through it but I'm not a real brain but I will finish to the best of my ability and that is all can be expected. I'm doing the course at home through AIPT and it would be very helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off so I'm doing alot of talking and discussing with myself and my nearly 3yr old LOL.
Training front has been non exitent and I have been eating whatever I want. I havent gained alot of weight I'm soft and bloated and feel like crap and I'm so disapointed in myself, I guess I didnt handle after comp at all. My alcohol consumption went through the roof. This has all happend built up since comp weird but true. So T has written me a weight training program and I will be going back to my morning runs (me time) and I'm quite excited I cant wait for the return of energy and feeling good about myself again.
Kie xx

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On Track

Training is going spot on, as I said before I want to focus on cardio for a little bit. So I did my 10km walk yesterday pushing bub in the pram. Then in the afternoon before kids got home from school and bub had her arvo kip I hit the weights back and triceps.

I went over to help out a friend last night. I met her through playgroup and happen to over hear her saying how she wanted to get into shape after having bub but didnt know where to start. So in I jumped with a few ideas and now the Mums are lining up LOL. I dont mind though it kind of felt good to pass on the things I've learned along the way.

Any way gotta get my but in to gear my little year 1 is getting an honour certificate at assembly this morning (o: she is so excited. Take care.
The best way to be successful is to follow
the advice you give to others

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yum Recipe

I got this recipe off of Physique Essentials from Chez for the sweet tooth out there.

1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
1/4 cup skim milk
1 tsp diet lime jelly
2 tbs lime juice
1/2 tsp vanilla ess.
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
Mix in a blender then refrigerate still set. Hubby says they're YUM

Everything else is going great guns for me. I have decided I will dedicate the next 6 weeks to consistant cardio. I have stuck to weight training but my cardio has been lacking. Oddly enough I love my cardio but havent done any for a long time. Its not that I want to drop fat or anything like that i just feel like I need to challenge myself in other areas.
Kie xx


Monday, February 25, 2008

Bye Dad and Barbara

My Dad came to visit me over the weekend before he fly's back to Germany so all my good intentions of a big cook up went out the window. Having said that I dont really mind as it was great to catch up with him as I wont see him for another couple of years.

We went to the beach on Sunday morning and we spent it body surfing. My dads wife Barbara used my board had the absolute time of her life it was so much fun teaching her how to read the waves etc. not bad for a woman 60+ (:

I was alittle slack with my training and eating of late so I'm back into now, did up a month of different workouts as they say a change is as a good as a holiday. Just finished back and tri and hubby was home so it was an uninteruppted workout yay. I have put deadlifts back into my workout so i know I will be sore tomorrow.

I have yet to cook up some clean eats I'm hoping to get stuck in the kitchen tomorrow. My littlest one is not a happy camper atm so everything is a little more challenging. Thanks to those that have left comments it always brings a smile to my face, take care
Kie xx

Monday, February 18, 2008

Smashing workout :)

I had a wicked workout today, back and tri. I just love smashing the previous workout. Also went for a 10km walk early this morning pushing bub in the pram, I forgot how much I love cardio. I think that is what put me in such a good mind set when I got in the gym (:

My diet hasnt been very consistent of late. Kind of just eating what and when I feel like it. This is having a toll on me I noticed that my energy levels arent as great and feel a little lethargic. So I'll have to get my but in gear and cook up some good eats.
Kie xx

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Where Have I Been

I'm so lazy when it comes to blogging. Anyhow my little girl has made some wonderful new friends so im relly happy about that. One of the boys that was in her class last year bought her in a flower the other day so she wouldnt be sad, how cute is that.

Training wise I'm going great guns. A few injury niggles here and there very annoying. my strength is improving each session so i have to be happy with that. hubby jumped in the gym the other night to help and i did drop sets OMG my arms were literally numb, i completely loved them though drop sets ROCK.

I had my sil wedding on the weekend which I was bridesmaid at. She looked absolutely beautiful,stunning as every bride should. The wedding was great had a fab time as I think everyone would have. The only thing that annoyed me was that some relatives that new i had comptetd last year would come up grab my arm and say "oh so your not working out anymore" WTF do I say to that. I dont know if they just dont understand the sport or that I havent made any changes at all?? dunno.

Anyway must go Mummy duties call
Kie xx

Monday, February 4, 2008

Back to school

Kids are back at school today WOOHOO. My little girl started year 1 today bless her cotton socks. I was a bit annoyed as they put her in a different class from nearly everyone she went to pre primary with so she was feeling a little sad that she had no friends in her class. Hopefully fingers crossed she will come home today full of excitment at all the new friends she made.

Well I spoke to Lou and she understands why I wont be competing early this year. As she pointed out there are many more comps toward the end of the year. I'm still eating clean and training hard, feeling really good to.

Mu hubby and I sat down together over the weekend and came up with a weight program more suited to me, with all my injuries I'm finding really heavy lifting is hurting for all the wrong reasons. So we focussed on lighter weights doing drop sets and super sets it was so much FUN. Fingers crossed soon my body will respond to the massage therapy I'm having and I will be back into the heavy lifting.
Any way I'm in the middle of a huge cook up so must dash the oven is talking to me
Kie xx

Gertrude Stein

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Want to be Bigger

Well I have decided I wont compete until I fell that I'm ready. Im really enjoying training again and following a nutrition plan but I just want to be bigger. Thats not to much to ask is it. I think it will take me a few years to be any sort of competition.

Im seeing Lou tomorrow I have to tell her that I'm not quite ready to compete I hope she isnt dissapointed. I hate dissapointing people that support me. As well as wanting to get bigger competing sure does drain the finances and we are still trying to catch up from xmas )-:

School goes back next week WOOHOO I love my kids dont get me wrong but enough is enough.
My son who is 11 this year wants to get into weight training but I dont know if he is to young or if it will do anything to him devolpment wise. Im going to look into futher if any one knows Im all ears for advice.

Kie xx


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Family Drama

Family shit can just get you down cant it? My sil who was really supportive for the first 6months of my comp prep has decided to not speak to me due to he said she said bullshit? ARGH I thought I left highschool a long time ago. If she wasnt family I wouldnt give a toss but we have her sister's wedding comming up next month and we are both bridesmaids, well that should be fun. I have the hens night this comming weekend and I feel sick to my stomach. I know I have to go but I so dont want to. I feel kinda better now, I just had to get that out as it is affecting me in more ways than it should be.

I had an awesome training session this morning shoulders and calves, my shoulders have the striations through them when I'm working them I LOVE IT. Calves are another story not so good it hurts my hip would you believe. Never fear I'm going to nasty nanna tonight ( my massage lady ) she is wicked and mean and hurts like hell but I will so much better for it, in a couple of days LOL.

Going up to see Lou tomorrow and I have to admit I'm a little nervous. Excited to cause we are going to her new house which I havent seen yet. Hopefully she will make us some of her yummy coffee.
Kie xx

Monday, January 21, 2008

Here we go Again

I plan to compete at some point this year, just not sure when. The IFBB show here in Perth seems inticing but its so soon and I dont have enough muscle )-: yet anyway.

I have kept on reading all blogs as the blog girls are so inspiring.

I have been eating what I like when I like with in reason. The lovely Lou rang a couple of weeks ago and said how about competing again (-: I didnt have to think for to long. So here I go again.

On the health band wagon of chicken and veg LOL. I went and saw Lou last Wednesday for the fat reading etc. I was pleasantly suprised to learn I was sitting at 15% bodyfat and put on 2kg since comp (-: so no complaining there.

I only started getting back into weight training seriously last week to discover my hip is still a bit twangy )-: As I'm trying to build some muscle there is no cardio for me ATM which I hate cause I love my cardio. I trust Lou so I will do as I'm told. I tell ya eating every 2 hours has got knobs on it I'm so over eating already LOL.

Kie xx