Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Any help would be great

As I said before I'm doing my cert 3 in fitness and I need a little help with these two questions if any one could help I would appreciate it.
The acute and chronic effects exercise has on respiratory volumes Tidal volume, Total lung capacity, Expiratory Reserve Volume, Residual Volume and Vital capacity
Analyse the differences in muscle force output between these exercises. State what differences have occurred Front squat, Leg extension and lunges

Thanks for your time.
Kie xx


Anonymous said...

Let me do some research and I'll get back to you over the weekend, that okay? Would you prefer an email response Kie? :o) xxx

RaeC said...

A good place to ask would be Lindy Olsen's forum Kie... lots of people in there willing to help. I am going to be of no assistance to you though, as I have no idea!! LOL!! xxx