Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On Track

Training is going spot on, as I said before I want to focus on cardio for a little bit. So I did my 10km walk yesterday pushing bub in the pram. Then in the afternoon before kids got home from school and bub had her arvo kip I hit the weights back and triceps.

I went over to help out a friend last night. I met her through playgroup and happen to over hear her saying how she wanted to get into shape after having bub but didnt know where to start. So in I jumped with a few ideas and now the Mums are lining up LOL. I dont mind though it kind of felt good to pass on the things I've learned along the way.

Any way gotta get my but in to gear my little year 1 is getting an honour certificate at assembly this morning (o: she is so excited. Take care.
The best way to be successful is to follow
the advice you give to others

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