Monday, February 4, 2008

Back to school

Kids are back at school today WOOHOO. My little girl started year 1 today bless her cotton socks. I was a bit annoyed as they put her in a different class from nearly everyone she went to pre primary with so she was feeling a little sad that she had no friends in her class. Hopefully fingers crossed she will come home today full of excitment at all the new friends she made.

Well I spoke to Lou and she understands why I wont be competing early this year. As she pointed out there are many more comps toward the end of the year. I'm still eating clean and training hard, feeling really good to.

Mu hubby and I sat down together over the weekend and came up with a weight program more suited to me, with all my injuries I'm finding really heavy lifting is hurting for all the wrong reasons. So we focussed on lighter weights doing drop sets and super sets it was so much FUN. Fingers crossed soon my body will respond to the massage therapy I'm having and I will be back into the heavy lifting.
Any way I'm in the middle of a huge cook up so must dash the oven is talking to me
Kie xx

Gertrude Stein


Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Kie, nice to see you back again. Thanks for the book suggestion, I will have a look for it.

Tara said...

hiya Kie great to have you back again :o) I hope that the massage does the trick for you. YAY @ ur daughter being a big Grade 1er now :o) shame that she was in with kids she didnt know though. At my daughters school they have kept the prep class together for grade 1. I am really glad of that. I am sure your daughter will have some lovely friends in no time.

Tara xxx