Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Want to be Bigger

Well I have decided I wont compete until I fell that I'm ready. Im really enjoying training again and following a nutrition plan but I just want to be bigger. Thats not to much to ask is it. I think it will take me a few years to be any sort of competition.

Im seeing Lou tomorrow I have to tell her that I'm not quite ready to compete I hope she isnt dissapointed. I hate dissapointing people that support me. As well as wanting to get bigger competing sure does drain the finances and we are still trying to catch up from xmas )-:

School goes back next week WOOHOO I love my kids dont get me wrong but enough is enough.
My son who is 11 this year wants to get into weight training but I dont know if he is to young or if it will do anything to him devolpment wise. Im going to look into futher if any one knows Im all ears for advice.

Kie xx


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Family Drama

Family shit can just get you down cant it? My sil who was really supportive for the first 6months of my comp prep has decided to not speak to me due to he said she said bullshit? ARGH I thought I left highschool a long time ago. If she wasnt family I wouldnt give a toss but we have her sister's wedding comming up next month and we are both bridesmaids, well that should be fun. I have the hens night this comming weekend and I feel sick to my stomach. I know I have to go but I so dont want to. I feel kinda better now, I just had to get that out as it is affecting me in more ways than it should be.

I had an awesome training session this morning shoulders and calves, my shoulders have the striations through them when I'm working them I LOVE IT. Calves are another story not so good it hurts my hip would you believe. Never fear I'm going to nasty nanna tonight ( my massage lady ) she is wicked and mean and hurts like hell but I will so much better for it, in a couple of days LOL.

Going up to see Lou tomorrow and I have to admit I'm a little nervous. Excited to cause we are going to her new house which I havent seen yet. Hopefully she will make us some of her yummy coffee.
Kie xx

Monday, January 21, 2008

Here we go Again

I plan to compete at some point this year, just not sure when. The IFBB show here in Perth seems inticing but its so soon and I dont have enough muscle )-: yet anyway.

I have kept on reading all blogs as the blog girls are so inspiring.

I have been eating what I like when I like with in reason. The lovely Lou rang a couple of weeks ago and said how about competing again (-: I didnt have to think for to long. So here I go again.

On the health band wagon of chicken and veg LOL. I went and saw Lou last Wednesday for the fat reading etc. I was pleasantly suprised to learn I was sitting at 15% bodyfat and put on 2kg since comp (-: so no complaining there.

I only started getting back into weight training seriously last week to discover my hip is still a bit twangy )-: As I'm trying to build some muscle there is no cardio for me ATM which I hate cause I love my cardio. I trust Lou so I will do as I'm told. I tell ya eating every 2 hours has got knobs on it I'm so over eating already LOL.

Kie xx